Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Winter Leave

So begins another month of research leave. This time, however, I will be working from my new home in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. I will miss Park Slope and my old apartment dearly, but I am excited to begin a new journey. While on my research leave, I plan to perform an extensive literature review of Web 2.0 and Information Literacy and write/submit a draft that summarizes my teaching experience and use of 2.0 technologies in the classroom. I presented a poster at ACRL's NYC conference this November and folks seemed pretty interested in my experiences as a librarian teaching a course in public health that focused on traditional and 21st century methods of research. Interestingly, this morning I received an email from a colleague out in New Mexico who would like to mentor me in the research/writing process of my paper. We've never met before, but have exchanged emails discussing Information Literacy in Public Health. I am enormously excited to work with him as he's a very, very well-known researcher in the field and his expertise will be most welcomed.

Here's to a healthy and productive 2008!!


Peter Godwin said...

Glad to hear someone else is researching Web 2.0 and Information Literacy! You will keep coming across my name I guess, as I have been prsenting opn this topic for over a year now! Just about to get a book "Information Literacy meets Library 2.0" published by Facet. Jo Parker (Open University) and I (peter Godwin, University of Bedfordshire) edited a collection of essays and case studies so when this hits the press you may find this really interesting. In the meantime, I can recommend my lttle blog "Information Literacy meets Web 2.0" Also it links to my file.
Best Wishes and Happy New Year!

*HealthyBibliotec said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I most certainly have come across your name in my review of the literature and look forward to reading your book! I have added your blog to my blog role and have added you to my network (lola_c). Happy New Year to you too!!