Anyway, here are the nuts-n-bolts of our emergency contact form:
1. Una's Full Name
2. Address with all cross streets listed so share with 911
4. SSN
5 Allergies
6. Known Medical Conditions
7. List Any Medications
8. Contact Information
8.1 Dad (c)(w)
8.2 Mom (c)(w)
8.3 Nanny (c)
8.4 Grandmother (c)(h)
9. Medical Information
9.1 Pediatrician's Information: Phone Number, Address, Insurance
9.2 Nearest Hospital: Phone Number, Address
10. Emergency Numbers
10.1 911
10.2 Poison Control Center
10.3 Gas/Electrical/Plumber: We have listed our landlord's information since he is responsible for these issues
At present we've never needed to use our emergency contact form, but it eases my mind a little bit knowing that it exists.
As the holiday season is in full swing, things are a bit nuttier than usual. To ease into the season, I'm trying to drink less coffee and more tea. Both Una and I finally received our dose of the H1N1 vaccine which should negate a bedridden Christmas and New Years. H1N1 was unavailable for babies 2 years and under in the city until quite recently, so I was excited when her pediatrician was providing doses. I was a bit on the fence to take the vaccine for myself, but then I performed a mini cost-benefit-analysis formula in my head and decided that I'd rather not deal with being sick while taking care of my toddling baby girl not to mention that I wouldn't have to wait in a long line in a weekend public clinic. One issue that we're dealing with that cannot be avoided is that Una is teething in the most extreme way. She has THREE molars cutting all at the same. exact. time. She also has her fourth front bottom tooth cutting too, and I see big white bulges where her bottom incisors will likely cut in the next week or less. Needless to say, Una has been extremely fragile this past week day and night. She's still sleeping much better than she before our trip to St. Martin, but she has been waking up every night this week shrieking (not crying) and shaking in a way that I've never seen before. So, as I try to drink less coffee and drink more tea, I am grateful that I still have a light tan because otherwise I would need to wear makeup to cover my big bags and dark circles (which would also mean that I would need to buy makeup since I haven't really worn any makeup since before Una's birth).
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